8 June

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

Elevate Your Style: Exploring the World of Men’s Designer Jewelry

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the fashion industry towards men's jewelry, breaking the stereotypes that once associated it with femininity or flashiness. Today, men are increasingly embracing the idea of accessorizing with designer jewelry to make a bold statement and elevate their style.

4 June

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

The Splendor of Ancient Greek Jewelry

Beauty truly lies in the eyes of the beholder for when you turn your attention to something as poignant and polished as a bracelet, there is no way your outfit will not shine. While styling gowns, a lot of the attention typically goes towards the necklace and the earrings, because they catch the eye first. This also means that most people would be putting their attention there, first. So how do you stand out? How do you make your own statement and pull off a look that also stands unlike any other? The answer is here and it’s bracelets.

The great merit of gold is precisely that it is scarce; that its quantity is limited by nature; that it is costly to discover, to mine, and to process; and that it cannot be created by political fiat or caprice.”

Henry Hazlitt

31 May

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

The Timeless Appeal of Solitaire Jewelry

When you think of the term "Solitaire," what comes to mind? Perhaps an engagement ring? Among all types of jewelry, solitaires uniquely exude elegance and timeless charm. These singular gemstones have long been associated with style and sophistication for both women and men. Their simple yet captivating allure has endured through the ages, making them a beloved choice for both special occasions and daily wear.

25 May

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

Artisanal Jewelry – Polki and Enamel Work

Artisanal jewelry embodies timeless beauty and craftsmanship, transforming raw materials into wearable works of art. Among the diverse array of handmade designs, the allure of Polki diamonds and Meenakari enamel work stands out, steeped in rich tradition and heritage.

20 May

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

The Bangle Affair: Celebrating Tradition and Elegance

Bangles have been an integral part of jewelry across various cultures for centuries. Their circular form symbolizes eternity, making them a timeless accessory that transcends trends and fads. From the bustling streets of India to the fashion runways of Paris, bangles have evolved, yet they retain their cultural significance and aesthetic appeal.

15 May

  • Jewelry Facts
  • by Oro Gold & Diamonds

A Guide to Understanding Different Types of Opal

Opals, renowned for their mesmerizing play of colors, are some of the most enchanting gemstones in the world. Each opal is unique, with its own vibrant display of colors and patterns, making them a favorite among gem enthusiasts and jewelry lovers alike

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